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Drawing for All. Free, regular drop-in sessions – every Thursday morning from 10.30-12.30. Come and spend the morning drawing in our wonderful gallery space. Use the current exhibition as inspiration..
The Memory Cafe is run by Somerton Good Neighbours. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month in West Street Church Hall from 2 to 4pm. Anyone..
Somerton Bridge Club meets every Thursday. Coming with a partner isn’t necessary, for more information contact Joan Davies or Jim Dawson email or telephone 10458 272418 / 01458 251228
In Stitches is our new year long community textile project. Free, regular drop-in sessions – every Friday morning from 10.30-12.30. Please note these sessions do not take place during our exhibition..
Simple but effective exercises, that will strengthen the whole body and improve both your balance and posture. A mix of seated and standing work. £5.00 a session. Bookings advised- check..
Join us at our Nourishing Community food conference You can find fuller details of the day and book your tickets here- There will plenty of time to network with..
British Red Cross Theatre Trip to Bristol Hippodrome – Annie – Cost £51.00/£60.00. For information phone Chris Cox 01458 273085 Craig Revel Horwood escapes from 'Strictly' to play Miss Hannigan,..
Create and Connect. Free, regular drop-in sessions – every Wednesday morning from 10.30-12.30. Free drop-in sessions for artists, creatives, and makers to come together in our ‘Make Space’ to make..
Somerton and Langport Area Branch of the RNLI Meeting with talk “ NOBILITY without PRIDE” THE HORSE IN ART FROM UCELLO TO HOCKNEY An illustrated talk by Richard Kay Lawrences’..