Salsa Classes
Edgar Hall 8 Cary Court, Somerton Business Park,, SomertonSalsa Classes. Contact for more information
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Salsa Classes. Contact for more information
We meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays at Somerton Library at 11.30 am for a social walk lasting about an hour. Please wear sensible footwear and clothing for the weather conditions as we may cross fields. For more information contact Mo Fletcher on 01458 274631
Somerset Youth Theatre. for 6 to 11 years. A safe place to create, explore and find your voice through Theatre and the Arts. Those interested can book a free trial session We run a pay what you choose system with funded places for those on free school meals and there are sibling discounts available. To..
Somerset Youth Theatre. for 11 to 18 years. A safe place to create, explore and find your voice through Theatre and the Arts. Those interested can book a free trial session We run a pay what you choose system with funded places for those on free school meals and there are sibling discounts available. To..
A Talk in aid of Somerton and Langport Area Branch of the RNLI - An illustrated Talk by Richard Kay Lawrences Picture Expert. A Five Year Old Could do That Trying to Make Sense of Modern Art 6.15pm for 7.00pm Tickets £18.00 to include a glass of wine and canapes Queries Telephone 01458 223613 In..
Wessex Country Market, is held, every Saturday in the Unicorn skittle alley. We offer a wide variety of artisan produce. All our baked goods are home made and ingredients locally sourced. There are jams, marmalades, chutney and pickle unique to this market. Locally sourced butter, cheese, meat and fresh vegetables in season. Our craft ladies..
Argentine Tango Classes Contact for more information
Somerton Town Council Planning Meeting (If required, please confirm meeting with Town Clerk) All members of the public and press are welcome. There is an opportunity on the agenda at the start of each meeting for public comment/questions during Electors Question Time
Somerton Town Council Land and Properties Committee Meeting. All members of the public and press are welcome. There is an opportunity on the agenda at the start of each meeting for public comment/questions during Electors Question Time
The Mid Wessex Singers will rehearse for our Christmas Concert on Tuesday evenings at West Street Church Hall from Tuesday 3rd September until Tuesday 17th December inclusive. Meet at 7pm for a prompt 7.15 start.
Salsa Classes. Contact for more information
Probus Club Somerton meets on the last Wednesday of the month at Somerton Sports Club. Meetings are at 11:30am for a noon start. For further information contact Barrie Davies on 07811770061 or email