From the (77) Bus Stop Walks – Walk 4 Glastonbury

Historic Glastonbury, moors and peat excavations
Easy level walking along tracks and droves
Distance 9.8 Km/ 6.1 miles
Total ascent/descent 22m

1 From the bus-stop (GR 499 388) go N along Magdalene St to the Market Cross and go R into High St to view three historic buildings on the L – after 50m (55yds) the “George & Pilgrims”(1), a few steps beyond, the Tribunal (2), and finally the Church (3). Return to the Cross and go R along Northload Street. After 90m (100yds) at the end of the pedestrian section, go ahead and after 200m (220yds) pass Sedgemoor Way on L then go immediately R along King St past Albert Buildings bearing L to a Fish & Chip shop at junction.

2 (GR497393) Go L then R into St Brides Close and just beyond Manor Close go ahead along a tarmac track to reach a metal gate at a road. Cross with care and follow the enclosed path for 200m (220yds) to go across wooden bridge then L (SP Footpath) past Abbey Moor Stadium to a road.

3 (GR494396) Cross the road and go ahead over a wooden bridge and keep the stream on the L. Continue for 1.6Km (1 mile) – with good views of the Mendip hills – crossing several Bristol gates, to reach farm buildings and sluice. Go L over bridge to reach road and turn R for 100m (110yds) then turn L along the road to Sharpham

4 (GR480401) After 300m(330yds) go R (Surface Deformed), passing peat excavations (4) on the L. After 800m (½ mile) follow as it bends 900 L and continue for 600m(⅓mile) past a brightly painted house to another 900 L bend. After 800m (½ mile) passing more peat excavations reach a junction. Go R past the post box and after a few steps cross the course of the former Glastonbury to Highbridge railway line. Continue 1Km(⅔mile) to junction at Durstons.

5 (GR469384) Go ahead for 60m (65yds) then L (SP Public Footpath) over stile. Go between lakes and where path bends R around lake, go ahead across sleeper bridge and continue with water on L to reach buildings. Continue along tarmac track to reach a road, turn L and after 50m (55yds) go R into Porchestall Drove. Follow for 1.2km (¾ mile) ignoring a turn on the L by the pumping station and passing a large timber storage depot to reach a mini-roundabout.

6 (GR491388) Continue into Park Farm Road and at the main road go across the pedestrian crossing, then turn R between two brick walls, then L passing the Scout & Guide hut and tennis courts on the R. Go straight ahead at the Give Way sign and at St Benedict’s church, fork L to emerge by the Cross. The bus-stops are to the R, that for Somerton and Yeovil being across the road.

Distance 3.0 Km/ 1.9 miles
Follow to the end of point 2. At the road turn L for 40m (45yds) to another junction. Turn R, cross the bridge and go L along Dyehouse Lane (no sign). Keep water on L for 400m (¼ mile) and follow as the road zig-zags over a bridge then a further 200m (220yds) to reach a roundabout. Continue ahead for 200m (220yds) to reach the mini-roundabout at the end of point 5 then go L into Park Farm Road (point 6).

1 The George Hotel and Pilgrims’ Inn was built in the late 15th century to accommodate visitors to the Abbey.

2 The Tribunal was built in the 15th century as a merchant’s house, and later used as the Abbey courthouse and by Judge Jeffreys.

3 The Church of St John the Baptist dates from the 15th century and is laid out in a cruciform plan with an aisled nave and a clerestorey of seven bays. The interior includes four tomb-chests, and some stained glass from the 15th century.

4 Peat extraction is known to have taken place during Roman times, and has been ongoing since although now it is considered unsustainable.

For car travellers, on-street parking is available 250m along Benedict St, which is the return route. Walk up the street to the Market Cross

Refreshments: Many options in Glastonbury

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