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Live Music with The Quasars

Somerton Sports Club Gassons Lane, Somerton, Somerset

Live Music with The Quasars Bringing Rock n Roll all the way from Mars Members and Guests £10.00 per head  Adults Only Tickets available from the Club@Somerton and Cobbs Wholefoods,..


Somerton Town Council Full Council Meeting

Edgar Hall 8 Cary Court, Somerton Business Park,, Somerton

Somerton Town Council Meeting. All members of the public and press are welcome. There is an opportunity on the agenda at the start of each meeting for public comment/questions during..

Somerton Town Council Drop in Surgery

Somerton Library Cox’s Yard Car Park, Somerton, Somerset

Somerton Town Council Drop In Surgery. This is an opportunity for residents to have an informal chat with a Councillor, ask a question, raise a concern, or share an idea...