Argentine Tango Classes
Edgar Hall 8 Cary Court, Somerton Business Park,, SomertonArgentine Tango Classes Contact for more information
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Argentine Tango Classes Contact for more information
Wessex Country Market, is held, every Saturday in the Unicorn skittle alley. We offer a wide variety of artisan produce. All our baked goods are home made and ingredients locally..
Live Music with The Quasars Bringing Rock n Roll all the way from Mars Members and Guests £10.00 per head Adults Only Tickets available from the Club@Somerton and Cobbs Wholefoods,..
Somerton Town Council Planning Meeting (If required, please confirm meeting with Town Clerk) All members of the public and press are welcome. There is an opportunity on the agenda at..
Somerton Town Council Meeting. All members of the public and press are welcome. There is an opportunity on the agenda at the start of each meeting for public comment/questions during..
Somerset Youth Theatre. for 6 to 11 years. A safe place to create, explore and find your voice through Theatre and the Arts. Those interested can book a free trial..
Somerset Youth Theatre. for 11 to 18 years. A safe place to create, explore and find your voice through Theatre and the Arts. Those interested can book a free trial..
Somerton Town Council Drop In Surgery. This is an opportunity for residents to have an informal chat with a Councillor, ask a question, raise a concern, or share an idea...
Somerton Town Council Promotion and Communications Meeting. All members of the public and press are welcome. There is an opportunity on the agenda at the start of each meeting for..
Somerset Youth Theatre. for 6 to 11 years. A safe place to create, explore and find your voice through Theatre and the Arts. Those interested can book a free trial..
Somerset Youth Theatre. for 11 to 18 years. A safe place to create, explore and find your voice through Theatre and the Arts. Those interested can book a free trial..
British Red Cross Theatre Trip to Bristol Hippodrome – Cost £71.00/£81.00. For information phone Chris Cox 01458 273085 Only Fools and Horses. Stick a pony in your pocket – The..